Restrict User With IP in Laravel V10

We can easily restrict users with Ips in any laravel application. Restriction means you want to make your web application for a few users whose IPs you have added to the system. Then it’s very easy.

We need to make a middleware that will verify the IP addresses and redirect the user accordingly.

Create A Middleware

I assume that you know how to create a project in Laravel if you don’t please look at the documentation.

//create project composer create-project laravel/laravel app

php artisan make:middleware AllowOnlySpecificIPsMiddleware

Then add this code to the middleware PHP file.


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use App\Models\AllowedIp; use Closure; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class AllowOnlySpecificIPsMiddleware { /**

  • Handle an incoming request. *
  • @param \Closure(\Illuminate\Http\Request): (\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response) $next */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $allowedIPs = AllowedIp::all()->pluck('ip_address')->toArray(); $clientIP = $request->ip(); $clientIP = $request->header('CF-Connecting-IP', $request->ip()); Log::info("client ip $clientIP " . json_encode($request)); if (in_array($clientIP, $allowedIPs)) { return $next($request); } abort(403, 'Unauthorized. Your IP address is not allowed'); } }

Explanation: Let me explain what we just did in the above code. We table called allowed_ip which has been represented by AllowedIp The model that we are using in the code AllowedIp::all()->pluck('ip_address')->toArray();

Now we are getting the client IP from $request->IP() variable. After comparing if the IP exists in the table we can return the request else we will return a 403 (Reequest is unauthorized) error.

Now you can use this middleware in your routes.


I hope this article helps you. I just wrote this article to the point you may need to register this to use in routes etc. Thanks for reading.

How to use Middleware In Laravel v8

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